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About Us
- CERASIND Ltd., TURDA, is a traditional manufacturer of medium and low voltage electric insulators and electro insulating parts made from special ceramic (cordierite, steatites, zircon based), calorific elements, spray dried bodies for tableware and different metallic parts.The ceramic bodies are manufactured accordance with internal standard no. 3471 / 85 and international standards DIN 40685 and IEC 672 – 3 / 97.
- Raw materials from Romania, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic and France are now frequently used .
- Technology process involves operations such as: pressing, casting in gypsum shells, extruding, jiggering, hot casting under pressure.
- Most of the equipments utilized in technological process, have German origin.
- Manufacturing processes are supervised, recorded and verified and thus products may pass mentioned standards and respond customers demands. Quality tests are made both in certified laboratories and in our own.
- SC CERASIND Ltd. Turda has tradition in manufacturing ceramic insulators; beginning from 1948, because our society was along the time a branch of former societies ,, Fabrica de portelan ’’, ,, ,,Electroceramica’’, ,, Pragmatic Comprest ’’, before we reorganized as a company.
- The main customers for electric insulators and electro insulating parts are SC Electroputere SA from Craiova, SC Aparataj Electric SA from Titu, SC Electroaparataj SA from Bucharest, SC Elba SA from Timisoara, SC Electromures SA from Tg – Mures.
- Among customers for spray dried ceramic bodies for tableware industry are SC Cesiro SA from Sighisoara, SC IPEC Manufactura Ltd. from Alba – Iulia, SC Apulum SA from Alba – Iulia.
- Our company is a supplier with products for electric apparatus for rolling materials, railway and underway companies.
- SC CERASIND Ltd is doing export in countries such Hungary, Italy, Turkey and Austria.
- The coordinates of our firm, in case you have the kindness to write or to visit us, are those from the header of this page.